Gilead Christian School - Mr. Bob Clark

Mr. Bob Clark
Phone: 419-946-5990
“Although my memory's fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.”
John Newton
Welcome to MS/HS Science & Robotics!
I have a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and three professional certifications. I spent 30 years in the nuclear industry including nuclear submarines, program manager in the Office of Nuclear Safety at Oak Ridge National Lab and Quality Manager at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant. I have earned Masters degrees in Management and Pastoral Ministry. I also hold a Doctorate of Bible History.
My wife of 52 years has blessed me with three children, and they have given us nine grandchildren.
I teach because, like many before me have discovered, science can give no physical explanation of the universe except the creation account of Genesis. I believe our Creator designed and built each of us for the purpose He intended. That purpose is two-fold: Glorify God through the Lordship of Jesus Christ (Matt 7:21) and serve others. (Matt 5:16) The only way to God is through Jesus. (John 14:6) But the way we can serve others is practically unlimited. “God’s not into cookie cutters” – RL Clark