Gilead Christian School - Mr. Kirby Francis

Mr. Kirby Francis
Phone: 419-946-5990
"If you have a chance to accomplish something that will make things better for people coming behind you, and you don't do that, you are wasting your time on this Earth."
Roberto Clemente
Meet our Athletic Director, MS/HS Bible Teacher, PE/Health Teacher & Head Cross Country/Track Coach!
My name is Kirby Francis and for most of my life I have been 2 things an athlete and a follower of Christ. I am a native Yinzer!!! Let’s Go Bucs! Here we Go Steelers Here we Go!!!! I am the son of a preacher (in fact that's why we found ourselves out of the “‘Burgh” and here in Mt. Gilead), the grandson of Sunday School teachers, the great nephew of a missionary and don’t remember a time when the church wasn’t a central part of my everyday life. So to now be in a position where it is my everyday life and I can use the things that God uses to bring joy into my life, to share him with others is beyond anything I could have dreamed of.
I am a 1987 graduate of Mt. Gilead High School, after a 40 year plan I recieved a bachelors in Physical Education from The Ohio State University in 2016. I have been a coach for 41 years having coached Softball, Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, and Track.
37 years ago as a college student I walked into a kitchen to be stopped dead in my tracks by “the most beautiful woman in the entire world” 18 months later she was crazy enough to marry “the idiot in the kitchen.” Now 37 years, 2 biological children, 2 add on children and a grandson later I still get to open my eyes to the most beautiful woman in the entire world every morning. Besides being on staff here at Gilead Christian school I am also the pastor at Allen Center Baptist Church near Marysville.
Being able to start each day with prayer together as a staff and with our students makes GCS a special place to work. Having time scheduled into our week to gather together to worship has been such a blessing and makes it so much easier to face each day than when I had to find time to do it privately and not with students.